Product Groups: Teams
The Presidents are appointed for a period of two years and alternate between the fruit and the vegetable sections. The Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the respective product groups are elected for a term of office of two years. They are company respresentatives and are members of PROFEL's Board of Directors.
In the canned and frozen vegetable groups the PROFEL Vegetables Commission monitors European production and consumption data and tracks policy changes affecting the vegetable sector. For example, given the sector’s close link to agriculture, the Commission monitors and discusses policy changes related to the European Common Agricultural Policy. The Commission also works on the promotion of the products represented by PROFEL, through channels such as the European Promotion Regulation. PROFEL keeps track of free trade agreements and coordinates common positions, which can be provided as input to decision-makers. The canned and frozen vegetable groups also invest in research projects of common interest, such as issues related to food waste. The more technical subjects of relevance to the vegetable sector, for example, minor uses and contaminants, are discussed in PROFEL’s Technical and Legislative Committee.
Dried vegetables

PROFEL’s canned deciduous fruit, jams and fruit preserves group and frozen fruit group meet jointly twice per year. PROFEL’s fruit sectors collect information about European production, consumption and trade flows and analyses developments related to the European Sugar Regime. Follow-up related to trade negotiations, and preparation of input for these negotiations, are key for the fruit sectors. PROFEL also keeps track of changes to national legislation concerning fruit products, for example, revisions to national jam legislations which are announced at European level through “TRIS” notifications. The more technical subjects of relevance to the fruit sectors, such as packaging and labelling are discussed in PROFEL’s Technical and Legislative Committee.
Frozen fruit