Technical and Legislative Committee
In the Technical and Legislative Committee, all technical dossiers of relevance to the PROFEL sectors are presented and discussed. The topics treated in this committee are of horizontal nature, going across the various product groups. Topics covered include plant protection products, contaminants, labelling, packaging and other matters of importance. The Committee’s meetings are attended by national representatives, often accompanied by Quality Managers from processing companies.
Executive Committee
PROFEL is administered by an Executive Committee comprised of industry delegates appointed by the General Assembly for a term of office of two years upon proposal of the national associations. The Executive Committee is composed of an equal number of representatives from PROFEL’s Fruit and Vegetable Commissions. The Executive Committee prepares the General Assembly meetings, oversees the general functioning of PROFEL, prepares the strategic agenda for PROFEL’s work and follows up on the organisation’s finances.
General Assembly
A PROFEL General Assembly takes place annually, bringing together all PROFEL members to agree on policy and matters of general interest. The General Assembly is hosted each year by a different national association member of PROFEL.